Arthur J. Doyle
Board Member
Arthur Doyle retired from the College Board as Vice President for College Success Implementation after previously serving as Vice President for the New England Regional Office. Mr. Doyle also held assignments with the Washington, D.C., Midwest and national offices of the College Board. Prior to joining the College Board he was the Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Boston College, a financial aid administrator there, and a teacher in both public and independent schools.
His College Board responsibilities included program, field services, and marketing management. As executive director for the Advanced Placement Program he led its growth and expansion, as well as the introduction of Pre-AP and the development of new courses and examinations such as AP Economics, AP Environmental Science, and AP Psychology. He also led the development of the computerized adaptive testing ACCUPLACER program for the College Board for which he was awarded the B. Lamar Johnson Award for Leadership in Innovation by the League for Innovation in the Community College. His professional development responsibilities included 15 years as the College Board’s staff member for the Harvard Summer Institute on College Admissions, and subsequently as the College Board’s representative to the Harvard Seminar on Assessment.
Mr. Doyle is an alumnus of Boston College from which he received Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Teaching Degrees. He also earned an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. He has been active in civic, youth and educational organizations, holding elected positions and serving as a trustee or advisory board member for various organizations and communities, including five years as a member of the Ridgewood, New Jersey Board of Education, and two years as co-chair of the Long Range Planning Committee for the Milton Public Schools in Massachusetts. He was later elected a member of the Select Board in Milton and served as its Chair. His other educational activities have included being a visiting team member for the New England Association of Schools and Colleges; service as a consultant for the Overseas Schools Program of the U.S. State Department; and service as a reviewer for the Office of Postsecondary Education in the U.S. Department of Education.