
The Calculus Project is unique because it incorporates a "pride curriculum" that runs parallel to a rigorous math curriculum to foster key aspects of students' agency for their own learning: a growth mindset, self-efficacy, and perseverance. Research has shown that these, in tandem with the type of strong math curriculum the Calculus Project embodies, are central components in efforts to close learning gaps."
Dr. Erica Walker
Professor of Mathematics Education, Teachers College
Columbia University
Whether your school offers calculus or not, all students will benefit from participating in the Calculus Project because it accelerates learning and provides students with that precious commodity they need to be successful - time. Students learn how to work collaboratively in groups to support each other and build stronger relationships with their teachers."
Dr. Ramon Gonzalez
Principal M.S. 223
Bronx, NY
At a time when the Governor and I have been struggling mightily to close achievement gaps in the nation's leading educational achievement state, the Calculus Project is living proof that if adults can put in place the proper conditions of learning, all of our students can achieve at high levels and become college and career ready."
Paul Reville
Former Secretary of Education
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
We write to you not only as urban educators, but also as former students of urban schools. We know better than anyone what a program like the Calculus Project can offer our urban students. We fully understand that the Calculus Project -- with it's commitment to dramatically increasing the number of underrepresented students who succeed in high-level math courses by equipping students with the skills necessary to succeed in college and beyond -- is the opportunity our students need, want and will benefit from for years to come."
Principal, Superintendent, and Assistant Superintendent
Salemwood Middleschool
Malden, MA
Program Graduates
It was almost a foregone conclusion by the time I got to senior year that I was going to take AP Calculus because of all the preparation I'd been doing through the Calculus Project since seven grade. I surely would not have taken AP Calculus had I not done the Calculus Project. It's just like butter and bread. You could not do one without the other."
Calvin Thompson
Duke University
It was maybe one of the best experiences of not even just high school, pretty much my whole education. It really did revolutionize my learning."
Elizabeth Quiñonez
Harvard University
Brookline High School graduate
Coming to AP Calculus was a very long journey because it was all four years of high school. There were times when I was very discouraged with myself. But overall you learn how to become a better student and a better learner. By the time you're a senior it's like the right thing to do, to do AP Calculus, because you have grown so much as a student.
I was able to go to school and work with teachers, and in the summer was able to get a preview of what the course would be like, so it wasn't as scary coming in. Just knowing that there would be other students from the Calculus Project in my class made it a lot easier for me."
Tahira Saalik
Emory University
Kids, especially in middle school or early high school need a support network that actively pushes them to succeed. The Calculus Project helped me a great deal during high school and have me the momentum to continue to excel in a college environment. I had already seen most of the concepts by the time they were introduced."
Mosby Hilliard
Rochester Institute of Technology
The Calculus Project helped me break down the invisible wall that is built between teacher and student. It enabled me to confidently use teachers as resources and taught me to seek out help when it is needed. I also developed good study habits from the Calculus Project. Much of that I believe comes from looking at the material one on one for the sole purpose of understanding rather than for a grade.
I think STEM companies should invest in opportunities that can ensure that minorities and woman are exposed at a young age to their areas of industry. Fostering a love for engineering science and mathematics at an early age is key. "
Obianuli Obiora
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Some of my struggles were in freshman year, making that transition from eight grade to high school, which I think a lot of students find really difficult. For me was was most helpful was going after school, talking to teachers, getting that extra help when I needed it. In the Calculus Project I'd had that exposure to those teachers and those administrators who were there to help me."
Lindsay Westlake